Lotta Website on an Ipad
Lotta Website on an Ipad

Lotta simplifies electronic access and offers the freedom to open doors flexibly and securely from anywhere — be it via a mobile phone, a badge or an additional Lotta product that can be connected. With invisible and intelligent solutions, Lotta Systems combines modern design with Swiss precision.


Lotta Systems


Crafts & industry

UX/UI design
Web development
2D animation
Ipad with the website running
Our approach to Lotta Systems web design is based on the existing CI and underlines the company's values: precision, innovation and simplicity. We have developed a design that is modern and inviting without appearing too technical. Clear structures and harmonious colors ensure intuitive user navigation, while subtle animations underline the functionality of the intelligent access systems. The result is a website that is both visually appealing and functional — in line with Lotta's philosophy.
Logo Animation
lotta website on a smarphone
Logo Animation
lotta – 2er
lotta – full 1
woman with coffe holding an iphone with the lotta website on it
woman with coffe holding an iphone with the lotta website on it
lotta – full 2
lotta – full 3